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Daily Archives

May 15, 2018

Style File: May 15, 2018

By | Style File | No Comments

imageI read an interesting article in the WSJ by Michelle Slatalla /A Matter of Life and Décor. She was writing about minimalism and how it was not working for her.  In searching for answers, she asked advice from Professor Julie Irwin from the University of Texas who studies the relationship between buying things and happiness. It turns out research does NOT show that materialism makes people unhappy. As per Professor Irwin, “You might be unhappy if you try to substitute things for people but not unhappy if you just happen to like things.”

Once the author was at peace with this she set out to create a warmer and more personal home. “The goal was what interior designers call a layered-and-collected look.

This made me think about all the millennials who are taking a pass on their parent’s things. Why not take a second look at the stuff and perhaps personalize your space with some selected pieces? To all the baby boomers who are ready to downsize-If you have a surplus of good things you can take them to a place like Ghent Antiques and/or do an estate sale.

This week Dan and I selected three items that could make a home look warmer and more personal.

1 & 2. I really love the white damask Stickley sofa. For those of you who don’t know-Gustav Stickley (1858-1942) was an American furniture manufacturer. Stickley led the design movement for the American Craftsman style, that we still love today!

  1.  Also, I really the like this pair of large marble lamp pieces with brass bottoms. The combination of the warm tones in the marble and the brass sculpture adds architectural details that are so often missing in a room.
  1.  Lastly, the newly recovered French chairs would be so charming in a living room or bedroom.image-3

Come on in to Ghent Antiques and see for yourself!

Ghent Antiques/Spertner Jewelers

1440 Colley Avenue

Norfolk, Virginia


Hours: M-S 10-5:30 Sunday 1:30-4:30

